Jamshedpur - 831001, CBSE Affiliation No. - 3430135, CBSE School No. - 66332

  1. 75% attendance is essential for promotion to the next higher class.

  2. No leave is granted except on a prior application from the parents / guardians for genuine reasons.
    In case of emergency, if a student stays back home he/she must come with a leave note in the school diary signed by his/her parents the very day he/she joins school.

  3. In case of sickness, a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner has to be submitted.

  4. A sick child should not come to school, not even to take the internal exams.

  5. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained leave for 6 (six) consecutive days renders the student liable to have his name struck off the rolls.

  6. It is compulsory for a student to attend school on the last working day before Summer Vacation, the Puja Vacation and the Winter Vacation, and the first day the school reopens after any vacation.
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Contractors' Area, Road No. 4, Bistupur,
Jamshedpur 831001, Jharkhand
Tele-Fax - 0657-2226745, 2227148
CBSE Affiliation No. - 3430135
CBSE School No. - 66332 (NEW) [09502 - OLD]
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Websit: www.davbistupur.org

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